
Silver Boxes by Florence Littauer: Dancing on the Water

Maine Harbor: LadyD Books

Maine Harbor

It's easy to see why more people visit the east coast during the summer months. Maine truly is a vacation playland. One day we were visiting our local pier and seeing the ships in the harbor with the sunlight reflecting off the boats. My five-year-old grandson said, "Look YaYa, silver boxes dancing on the water!" What a visual moment to record...

water reflection

 For a 'Mother's Day' gift, our daughter sent 2  live lobsters from Rockland, Maine. I'll be sure and post photos of those delicious bugs on my other blog next Monday. By the way, how many blogs do you have and where can I find you?

Belmont Harbor: Cousin Jane l LadyD Books

Belmont Harbor

My Cousin Jane is the host of Living Healthy Chicago on WGN-TV and CLTV. Being a TV host and radio personality, plus a great gal... I'm so proud! Oh, and Jane is Greek also. Here she is at Belmont Harbor. Such a dramatic sky in the background. For more wonderful photos, visit Skywatch Friday

silver boxes, the gift of encouragement

Book Description:

Humorous anecdotes and touching insights inspire readers to reach out with encouragement to people who are hurting and need help. Learn how to make others feel special, mend broken dreams and share the affirming message of the gospel through encouragement.

The Friday 56

Remember saying, "'ll never do that! I''ll never be like my mother?" Darlene told me that she grew up with a "negative-mouthed mother," and she promised herself that she would never talk to her children as her mother had talked to her. Darlene has worked at being positive with her two boys, but she told me that over the last year or so she has slowly begun to slip in her communication with her oldest who is five and a half. "I was slowly getting negative and saying ugly things just like my mother did. Your message on silver boxes reminded me of how I felt as a child. I am going to put silver boxes in each room to remind me. Thank you!"
-- Florence Littauer

Silver Boxes

I liked the book. It's an easy read and I think communication is so important. Beautiful writings on affirmation and encouragement. Have you read this one?

About the Author

Florence has written over thirty books which focus on areas of personal growth. She is best known for her work on the personalities, helping us to understand ourselves and improve relationships with others. She is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts and received an honorary Doctor of Humanities degree from Southwestern Adventist University in Texas. The National Speakers Association has inducted Florence into their Speakers Hall of Fame. She been speaking and ministering since 1984.

So, do you believe words have the power to make a person into something or to make him feel like a nothing?

Let's uplift someone today!

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
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