
Wordless Wednesday: Hoof Haven

gazebo on horse ranch

horse arena

country ranch vegetation

white horse

brown horse

two horses for the children to ride

There really is a place in SoCal called Hoof Haven. It's hidden amongst these gorgeous green trees. On the weekends there's lots of activities going on in the beautiful horse arena. You'll find tons of horses for the children to ride and many country folk like to board their horses here, too.

I had the opportunity to read a horse book, called Shadow The Curious Morgan Horse. It's so great for our 4 1/2 year old granddaughter because she just loves horses... all the time! What about you, do you like horses? Right now another season has begun at the Del Mar Racetrack for horse racing fans!

Chord chart to Wild Horses on LadyDpiano, along with the tutorial to Natasha Beddingfield's song.

Linking with NC Sue and Melinda and Ramona!

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
© copyright 2015 – All rights reserved
LadyD Books

Review: Box Set: The Minimalist Budget + A Minimalist Lifestyle + Modern Minimalism

I am cleaning out my closets and all my cupboards and book shelves. How about you?
Is the Minimalist Lifestyle appealing to you? Here's what I mean...

About The Book

Here's what you'll get with this three book package: 

The Minimalist Budget: A Guide to Help You Save More, Spend Less and Reduce Stress 

✔What minimalism really is 

✔How to lead a minimalist lifestyle (without sacrificing your standard of living) 

✔How to cut down on your budget in a number of practical, effective ways 

A Minimalist Lifestyle: 21 Days to Living a More Fulfilled, Happier Life

✔How to detach from physical things and de-clutter your mind (Day 1-7) 

✔How to determine what is essential and what isn't 

✔The benefit of a temporary change in scenery 

Modern Minimalism: How to Live with Less and Experience More in Today's Hectic World

✔How a consumer mindset actually makes us slaves to the very things we own 

✔What does being a minimalist really mean? 

✔Why should someone even life a minimalist lifestyle? 

The Friday #56 and The Book Nook

"With a minimalist lifestyle, you can build authentic relationships, take part in your hobbies, go on vacations, transform people's lives and stay focused on who you really are and what you want to become."


I love the author's style of writing. I learned a great deal, especially in regards to having a changed perspective on reducing. The book is well organized and easy to understand, like organizing your things by keeping them, giving them away or throwing them away. If you're a pack-rat or just find yourself with way too many belongings weighing you down, and you can't find what's really important to you, then this box set is for you. Learn how to detach from all stuff. This isn't a one-time-fix-all read but rather a beneficial, daily lifestyle for improving your well-being.

4/5 stars. Recommend it.

Biography: Jessica Jacobs

"Natural and Holistic Health Books that Improve Your Well-Being"

I'm a firm believer that books can dramatically improve your well-being. Not only that, but these books should be affordable, easy to read and have ideas that are easy to apply so you can reap the benefits as you go about your life on a daily basis. My books are produced with these goals in mind.

My name is Jessica Jacobs. I'm a Wife, Mother, reader, writer, well-being enthusiast and a curious person. I began publishing my writing in 2012 and this path has truly been a labor of love for me.

For more information, visit:

Skywatch Friday

Sometimes it just seems as though the heavens are talking to you, whether it's daytime or in the night.
What are they saying? Well, maybe "X" marks the spot! Perhaps, just looking up these signs are a gentle reminder that God cares and we are always surrounded by His love. 

Sky Art: LadyD Books
Music staff: lines and spaces in the sky.

Marks in the sky
Zorro rides again tonight!

X marks the spot in the sky
X marks the spot. The treasure is here!
Happy Reading and Skywatching!

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
© copyright 2015 – All rights reserved
LadyD Books

Wordless Wednesday: Getting An Earful

 Getting An Earful: LadyD Books

 "Are your ears ringing?!"

Anyone can engage in gossip simply by repeating something heard in confidence. Gossipers most often build themselves up by making others look bad. These folks speak of the faults of others. Hence, the saying "Getting an earful." They reveal embarrassing and shameful information regarding the lives of others without their approval.

Gossip from a Biblical Perspective

 Proverbs 20:19  "A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid a man (or woman) who talks too much.

Proverbs 11: 12-13 "A man who lacks judgement derides his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his tongue. A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy man keeps a secret."

Proverbs 18: 7-8 "A fool's mouth is his undoing and his lips are a snare to his soul. The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to a man's inmost parts."

Proverbs 16: 27 "An ungodly man digs up evil, and it is on his lips like a burning fire."

Proverbs 21:23 "Those who guard their tongues keep themselves from calamity."

A Talebearer

In the Old Testament we were told:

Leviticus 19:16 "Do not go about spreading slander among your people."

I'm afraid it's just human nature to have 'itching ears' but with God's help we can control our speech.

A Whisperer 

There's no need to be a whisperer or gossip addict because of this warning.

Matt. 12: 36-37 "But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgement. For by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned."

I pray my words will be a blessing to you.

Linking up to Wordless Wednesday

Photo of my wonderful summer garden harvest. Are you gardening this summer?

 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
© copyright 2015 – All rights reserved
LadyD Books

Happy, Healthy and Prepared: Top Tips (Review)

Review: Happy, Healthy and Prepared

About The Book

Homesteading, gardening, canning, family life, healthy living, essential oils and emergency preparedness -- It's all here in this collection of top tips from the hosts of The Survival Mom Radio Network.

Linking up with The Friday #56 and Book Nook

"What we consume and feed to our children does matter! It is important to listen to our bodies. We are not supposed to be sick all the time!"

My Thoughts

The book contains lots of links to several videos and tons of information on the internet. Within the pages you'll find humor, insights and personal stories of triumph and failure.

Healthy Living
Home & Family
Growing and Preserving Food
Prepping & survival

My favorite sections in the book talks about structured routines providing security for children, and sharing reading tips for success. I like how the author shares many links for the reader to follow along with appropriate podcasts that go with the subject matter. Because I have always pretty much grown my own food, and love cooking and sewing, the book is a huge hit with me. This style of writing is a new approach for me, sharing podcasts with the reader. I enjoyed being a part of The Survival Mom Radio Network. 5/5 stars. Recommend.

Morning sunrise in the country: LadyD Books

The hills and valley of my neighborhood for Skywatch Friday. It's going to be a great day!

Asian Pears l LadyD Books

Delicious, mouth-watering Asian Pears from our fruit orchard. They are so juicy, crunchy and naturally sweet. Do you have a favorite type of pear you enjoy eating?

Happy reading!

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
© copyright 2015 – All rights reserved
LadyD Books

Review: Brave Queen Esther

Product Details

  • File Size: 5475 KB
  • Print Length: 32 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
  • Publisher: Zonderkidz (April 7, 2015)

Book Description

Brave Queen Esther tells the story of a brave and beautiful hero of the Old Testament. Written in the I Can Read level two standards, with age-appropriate vocabulary and concepts, young readers read about a young Jewish woman who is chosen to be a queen by a powerful king. When she hears of a plan to hurt all of the Jewish people in the kingdom, she calls on her faith and steps forward, facing certain danger to save God’s people from the evil plan.
This I Can Read! series of Bible stories makes use of the unique features found in the NIV Adventure Bible such as “People in Bible Times” and “Words to Treasure”.

My Thoughts

My grandson is 7 and can easily read level 2 aloud. It's a wonderful Biblical story (although a few more accurate parts are missing) of Queen Esther's bravery and heroism.  She risks her life in going before the King. She shows courage in being ready to face danger, deciding to expose a plot to destroy her people to the King. The simple story line moves at a good pace and the many illustrations are quite lovely. I especially love the colorful artwork but wish the book talked a little more about Mordecai (the bad guy) and how evil doesn't win in the end. I recommend the book for your home and Sunday School library.

4/5 stars!

I received this book from Book Look Bloggers in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Brave Queen Esther (I Can Read! / Adventure Bible)

About the Author

Born and raised in Michigan, David spent his childhood sloshing through creek beds, climbing trees, and creating numerous baked goods. That spirit of adventure and curiosity often finds its way into his illustrations through quirky characters and hidden surprises. After spending a decade in Philadelphia and New York pursuing his artistic dreams, David has moved back to the familiar surroundings of Michigan. Now, when he's not drawing and painting he still enjoys a good romp through the woods.
I really like the author's style of illustrating in the book. The book is 10% off in price today.

Happy Reading!

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
© copyright 2015 – All rights reserved
LadyD Books

Wordless Wednesday: Sulking

LadyD Books: Sulking

In America we seem to be so addicted to fun and pleasure! When things don't go our way, well... we seem to sulk. We get so touchy when someone breaches our safe place.

Sulking is like exchanging a garment of love for a suit of armor, protecting ourselves. It steals our heart when we withdraw and retaliate.

I know we want to be honored and recognized. Insult and abuse touches this area when we feel our rights have been violated. I guess we just want to always defend our position.

With my grandchildren, when I find them centered on their ego, especially 'I want it my way' and they're brooding, I tell them... "Where's your happy face?"

Don't have a spoiled child response by sulking. Don't have a root of bitterness springing up.

Be willing to surrender your sulking.  Be loving, gentle and kind.

Here are 4 steps to take:

1. Confess (Self pity, desire for revenge)
2. Repent (Of my reaction to this hurt)
3. Pray (Wash me, cleanse me)
4. Bless The One Who Hurt You (Forgive)

2Ti3: 1-3, Matt.5: 43, 2Cor.4: 6-12, Matt.16: 24, 2Ti2:24-25

Have you ever found yourself sulking over a situation or someone? If so, how did you snap out of it?

I captured this photo while walking along the Oceanside Pier. I felt it was a matter of perspective. Perhaps the guy was helping his friend to not brood over the little things. Maybe they were just having a moment to reflect on all the good things in their lives. It's a choice, don't you think?

I'm sharing some of Elisabeth Elliot's thoughts with you today. Linking up for Wordless Wednesday.

Blessings to you,

 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
© copyright 2015 – All rights reserved
LadyD Books

Review: Survival Guide for Beginners

Review: Survival Guide for Beginners l LadyD Books

Survival Guide for Beginners by Vitaly Pedchenko is free on Kindle for now.  It's about 120 pages and well organized with chapters on:

Types of Disasters
Mental Preparation
Physical Readiness
Emergency Food Storage
Surviving an Earthquake... and so much more.

About The Book

Super storm Sandy ripped up the eastern seaboard of the United States, leaving death and destruction in its path. While everyone knew the storm's path, and when it would strike, people and the community as a whole were caught off guard by the devastation. Super storm sandy provides an example of why preparing for the worst-case scenario is the prudent path to take.

The Friday #56

Your water supply can become contaminated or stop all together even if it is supplied by a water treatment plant and any surface water can be contaminated by seawater because of storm surges. You should have a week's supply of drinking water and water for sponge baths and oral hygiene. One gallon per person daily will cover hydration needs as well as personal hygiene.

My Review 

Preparedness and planning ahead in any situation is a must, especially when it comes to a crisis. The author does an excellent job in mapping out for us the best emergency survival resources. Priorities in any survival situation regarding shelter, water, fire and food are discussed to help you on your own for at least 10-14 days. The food storage list is great for the basic essentials, along with water sources and first aid kit items. With today's conditions that we see on the news, well it reminds me to take notes on how to survive a riot if need be. Just to survive a power blackout is listed within the pages here. I don't live in an area where I would experience a flood or blizzard but we do have earthquakes here. The book is a great guide sharing all the essentials one needs to survive bad times.

4/5 stars!

Survival Guide for Beginners

Happy Reading and Happy 4th!

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
© copyright 2015 – All rights reserved
LadyD Books

5 Easy Steps Using FotoJet

grandsons summer activities
We are having a wonderful summer with 2 of our grandsons. Two more grandsons are moving from the east coast to the west coast. We can't wait to have all 5 grandchildren in California once again. I'm sure you can imagine the anticipated excitement coming in the days ahead! 

Since I take tons of pictures with my Nikon D200 camera, I wanted to share a new FREE online photo card, poster and collage maker with you. It's called, FotoJet from PearlMountain Technology, a dedicated graphics software developer. I used these 2 templates to show you how easy it is to use and I will share the tutorial with you. Hope you'll check it out. I recommend FotoJet to my friends. 5/5 stars! The design templates are so beautiful and professional looking for the photographer and artist. I can't wait to experiment with more! What a great way to capture some awesome moments.

photo software picture of flowers and birds

How To Use FotoJet

1. Choose a Template

You'll discover 190+ amazing templates to use. There's Wedding, B'day, Father's Day, etc.

2. Add Photos

Easy to drag and drop pictures from your computer or Facebook

3. Adjust Photos

Edit Image allows you to rotate, zoom in/out your photos.

4. Edit Text

You can use their words or change the text and font, too.

5. Save & Share

Save your work in jpg or png file. Choose photo size, save and share on FB.

granddaughter and lady

About the Company

FotoJet is a free online collage maker where you can create beautiful photo collages, posters, cards and more in minutes! It’s developed by PearlMountain Technology Co., Ltd, a dedicated graphics software developer founded in 2006. From the very beginning, it has been bring many powerful, easy to use photo editing tools for the worldwide users.

Thanks Candy for the opportunity to use and review your latest photo software. It's fun and easy to use. So many wonderful templates to use for everyone's needs to capture their photo memories. Best wishes and much continued success!


 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
© copyright 2015 – All rights reserved
LadyD Books