
Book Review: Heroes of the Bible Treasury

Heroes of the Bible Treasury
  • Age Range: 4 - 8 years
  • Grade Level: Preschool - 3
  • Series: I Can Read! / Adventure Bible

Book Description

The Adventure Bible-Bible Story Collection is a six book treasury of level 2 Adventure Bible I Can Read titles designed for newly independent readers and based on the Adventure Bible—the #1 Bible for kids!
Read all about people in Bible times and their adventures in these well-known Bible stories.
This 6-book bind-up includes:
  • Elijah and the Power of God 
  • A King, A Statue, and a Fiery Furnace 
  • Miracles of Jesus 
  • A Father’s Love 
  • The Good Samaritan 
  • Paul Deliver’s God’s Message 

My Review

I am looking forward to giving this beautiful book to my grandson as a gift towards the end of school. He is 8 years old and the Adventure Bible Series is right up his alley! I especially like the easy to read font size. It's just perfect for daylight reading and looking at the book while camping in a tent this summer. The hardcover book is quite durable and just the right size. 

The first section, Noah's Voyage is my favorite, not only because the storyline is so familiar but the illustrations by David Miles are great. Each story is around 30+ pages and at the end of each chapter is a one-page review called, "Did You Know?" and "People in Bible Times."

I have reviewed many children's Bibles and Devotionals and must say, I am very impressed with Zonderkidz with this series, 6 books in 1 approach. I highly recommend for home and church library. 5/5 stars! I think it's a great gift for boys!

I received the book from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for my honest review.

"Everything Joseph said came true. For seven years lots of food grew."
Live Oak Park: LadyD Books
Live Oak Park

Mountain Valley View: LadyD Books
Mt. Ararat in SoCal

 "God said, Come out of the ark, Noah! Bring your family and the animals!"
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The Friday #56 and Skywatch Friday

Happy Reading and Skywatching!

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

Skywatch Friday: Maine Snowfall

tree covered with snow: LadyD Books


Snow falling I see,
I guess it is everywhere
Never ending white
Blue patches bring sky light.

bare tree with limbs reaching upwards: LadyD Books

snow on tree limbs: LadyD Books

snow covered tree in foreground: LadyD Books

winter snow storm: LadyD Books

snow in the meadow: LadyD Books

 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

Review: The Pacifier Tree

The Pacifier Tree

 Book Description

Johnny does not want to give up his pacifier – ever! Mom is at wit's end. But will Johnny's mind change when he learns about the magical Pacifier Tree? Mom and Johnny will learn an important lesson about priorities and growing up in this playful pacifier tale.
A great story for parents to read with kids struggling to give up their pacifiers!

Johnny and his mom

pacifiers galore

Book Trailer

mom has an idea

pacifier and note on tree

My Review

Giving up the pacifier can make a lot of difference in a child's speech development. Everyone knows pacifiers soothe cranky babies but it can be difficult to be weaned off of it. Giving up the pacifier just at the right time is the successful solution to his log developed habit. Parents have lots of concerns about pacifiers and the author creates a peaceful bridge for the reader to assist the need to give up the pacifier. This sweet, clever story shows a mother with a smart solution helping her son to see the bigger picture in his maturing process. One boy and many other children to follow will receive a huge reward in letting go of the pacifier... It's time! Important lessons shared with humor, along with beautiful illustrations. 5/5 stars.

 Book Author

Uncle Amos: Book Author

Uncle Amos started writing children's books at the request of his four grandsons, now aged nine, six, and three(Twins). His stories, which tackle the problems of growing up with humor and fun, are beloved of his family and hundreds of others.

The Pacifier Tree - Early Readers Children's Book+Video & Audio

 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
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Blue Monday

playground near San Francisco park: LadyD Books
Blue Monday

More and more I see outdoor carpet on the playgrounds in the cities. I live in the country so we are surrounded with acorn trees, grass and yes, sometimes we have asphalt and concrete playgrounds. I'm not sure what the brown cut out is all about but it makes an interesting circle nonetheless. Photo for Color Connection, too.

sunset in the west: LadyD Books
Mandarin Orange Monday

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

Getting Ready for Summer: Child Expert Creates "Stop Bugging Me" Activities

Buggy Fun for Summer
By Sharen Pearson

Much to the dismay of their mothers, toddlers hold a relentless fascination for bugs. They follow, squish, catch and even eat them! Perhaps the novelty lies in the never-ending variety of creepy crawlers or that bugs are smaller than these little ones. Here are some simple buggy activities that will enchant your children this summer.

Bug Catcher
Save the net from your fresh produce. Lace a chenille wire around the top to support the sides. The net makes a tiny bug catcher for your child. Always help identify any bugs that might be dangerous. Catch, observe and release.

Butterfly or Dragonfly
Attach colored tissue paper wings to a toilet tissue or paper towel tube for wings. Slip a hair band over the tube and place on toddler’s wrist to flap and fly. For more advanced work, drop food color onto a wet coffee filter. Allow to dry and use for wings. Two filters for dragonfly and one for butterfly.

Big Bug
Fashion antennae with chenille wire and attach to your child’s head with clips. Gather a sheet of tissue paper at the center. Duct tape to the back of the shirt for butterfly wings. Fly away little butterfly!

Tot Cocoon
Give your toddler the end piece of a roll of toilet tissue. Have him gently spin to wrap the paper around and around forming a cocoon. If the paper breaks, just tuck the loose end in and begin again. Continue as your child is comfortable (most won’t let you cover the face). Count 1, 2, 3 and have your butterfly “hatch out” and fly away.

Lady Bug
Make a tiny ladybug from the cup of an egg carton. Cut the section. Paint red and add black dots. Tape twisted bits of paper on for antennae. For a counting activity: make five bugs and draw 1 spot, 2 spots etc. on the five bugs. Count the spots and the bugs.

Cut a six-section length from an egg carton. Your toddler can glue cotton balls on each section for “fuzz.” Draw a face on one end of the section and add chenille or paper antennae. Punch a hole in the front and tie a string on to “walk your bug.” For more advanced work, paint each section of the caterpillar yellow or even a rainbow.

Bug Collage
Draw (or print from a website) several bugs on paper. Make a simple paste of flour and water. Your tot can glue on dry rice, macaroni, bits of colored paper and/or cake sprinkles to decorate the bugs.

Bugs in a tub
Pour 6 cups of dry rice into a large flat container. Add toy plastic bugs (or your ladybugs), measuring cups, recycled plastic containers, paper tubes and play as in a sand box. To protect the floor and give your activity a boundary, place the tub in the center of a sheet or shower curtain. Your child will play
for hours.

About Sharen

Sharen Pearson’s Goof & Giggle classes and materials continue to provide a quality Mom/Tot interaction. Widely popular, Goof & Giggle’s child-focused play plans are offered in various Arizona communities. She’s also created a variety of Goof Juice DVDs and filmed episodes of Baby D.I.Y. and written workbooks for BabyFirstTV. Arizona Midday (NBC) tapes monthly segments with Sharen to provide their audience with a variety of original and creative “easy to do” activities for babies and preschoolers. Sharen’s creativity reaches a combined audience over 200 million viewers worldwide. Goof & Giggle classes and products encourage green living, repurposing materials from around the house into affordable objects for play and learning. Learn more at:

 This article content is provided free of charge by the author through Kathy Carlton Willis Communications. You are welcome to place this article on your site or in your publication as long as 1) it’s used in its entirety, 2) the full bio is used, 3) you previously request permission through KCWC at . All other standard copyrights apply.

The timing  of this guest blog was perfect because I just finished reading a cool 5* book by Anne Rockwell called,
Honey in a Hive (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)Children's Bug & Spider Books)

Here's an excerpt:

" Buzzing from flower to flower, honeybees are busty gathering nectar and pollen. The nectar will be made into honey, and the pollen will feed their queen bees from societies with leaders-the queen-and workers, and like people, their survival depends on every bee doing its part..."

Be sure and stop by Sharen's site and learn all about,
Goof & Giggle 


-- LadyD

The Little Fisherman

 "Once a little fisherman
Went out to catch some fish.
He thought he soon would have
Enough to make a handsome dish.
He sat alone on the riverbank
Waiting for a bite.
He sat so patiently
From morning until night.
He sometimes thought of bat and ball
And other cheerful play.
But still the little fisherman
sat on all through the day.
He felt a little hungry,
So he ate some bread and cheese.
But he was quite afraid to move
And did not dare to sneeze.
For he had been told that fish were quick
Of hearing and of sight,
And so he sat quite still
Until the whinnying light.
And not a fish had he caught,
And now it was very late.
And shall I tell you why it was?
He quite forgot the bait!"
-- Author Unknown

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

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Book Review: Frog and Toad Are Friends

Cover of "Frog and Toad Are Friends (An I...Cover via Amazon

Frog and Toad Are Friends” is a Caldecott Honor Book from Arnold Lobel about two amphibian pals, Frog and Toad who go through life together. “Frog and Toad Are Friends” is definitely a brilliant introduction to the “Frog and Toad” series that children will love!  

The characters Frog and Toad are some of the most lovable amphibian friends you will ever hope to meet. Out of the two Frog is probably the more easy-going, pleasant one. Toad, on the other hand, is much more emotional; when things go wrong he is not afraid to either become “hopping” mad or depressed. Both of them also seem to be suffering from an adorable lack of common sense; although Frog is admittedly the one with the greatest supply.

Through thick and thin Frog and Toad are there for each other. When Toad loses a button, Frog tries to help him find it. When Frog is feeling ill, Toad tries his very hardest to tell him a story even though he can’t think of one. When Toad is feeling down about not ever receiving mail, Frog writes him a letter and then both of them sit together on the porch and wait for it to arrive. 5 Stars!

Book Summary

Once Frog convinces the sleepy Toad that winter is actually over, the two amphibian friends "run outside to see how the world was looking in spring." With each new season comes new journeys.

Publisher’s Details

Book: Frog and Toad Are Friends
Author and Illustrator: Arnold Lobel
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers, reprinted in 1979
ISBN-13: 9780064440202
ISBN-10: 0064440206

Reading level: Ages 5-8
Rating: 5 stars (EXCELLENT)

 About the Author

Lobel, Arnold.  Frog and Toad Are Friends (published in 1970 by Harper and Row Publishers, 10 E. 53rd St. New York City, NY  10022; republished by Scholastic Inc., 730 Broadway, New York City, NY  10003).  Arnold Stark Lobel (1933–1987) was a popular American author of children’s books. Among his most popular books are those of the Frog and Toad series, and Mouse Soup, which won the Garden State Children’s Book Award from the New Jersey Library Association.  Born in Los Angeles, CA, to Joseph and Lucille Stark Lobel, Arnold grew up in Schenectady NY, where he was out of school and sick through most of second grade. One of the ways he kept himself occupied was by drawing.  His health improved, and upon graduating high school, he decided to improve his artistic skills and attended Pratt Institute in Brooklyn where he focused on illustration and met his future wife Anita Kempler, who also became a talented children’s book author and illustrator. When he graduated from art school, he married Anita and they moved to New York City, NY, where they settled in Brooklyn and had two children Adrianne and Adam.

-- LadyD

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.” — C. S. Lewis

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Review: The Curious Garden

Cover of "The Curious Garden"Cover of The Curious Garden

Product Details

 My Review

It is true, caring for the environment makes a better world. The story is about a red-haired boy named Liam. He lives in a dreary town without plants or trees or flowers. One day Liam happens upon a staircase which leads to the abandoned railroad tracks. What our hero discovers there changes his life. He finds plants. It's not much - some sad looking grass and a few flowers on their deathbeds, but Liam decides to nurse them back to health. As they get better, the vegetation begins to spread, and soon other folks begin to follow Liam's lead. After a while, the town, once dingy and gray, is transformed. 5/5 stars!

Peter Brown's Biography

Peter Brown writes and illustrates books for young whippersnappers. He grew up in Hopewell, New Jersey, where he spent his time imagining and drawing silly characters. He studied Life Lessons at the School of Hard Knocks, and then got his B.F.A. in Illustration from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California.
After college Peter moved to Brooklyn, New York and spent several years painting backgrounds for animated TV shows. And then in 2003 he got a book deal to write and illustrate his first picture book FLIGHT OF THE DODO, which is a story that involves bird case you're into that kind of thing. Since then he's written and illustrated three more picture books, and illustrated several other books for young whippersnappers. His books have been adapted into plays and animated short films, they have been translated into a dozen languages, and they include the 2010 E.B. White award winner, Children's Choice Award winner, and New York Times bestselling book THE CURIOUS GARDEN.
Peter's fifth picture book, CHILDREN MAKE TERRIBLE PETS, hit bookshelves in September 2010, and is Peter's second NY Times Bestseller.

The Curious garden is a magical story about a boy's dream and how the efforts of one  small person can help change the world.

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

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Review: Grandmother Have the Angels Come?

Grandmother Have the Angels Come?

-- By Denise Vega and illustrated by Erin Eitter Kono

Product Details

 My Review

Truly, this is a heartwarming celebration of a bond that will last a lifetime. written with lyrical, affirming prose, this story reassures children that the special bond they share will always endure.

The story is a conversation between a granddaughter and her grandmother discussing the effects of aging as from the vision of a child. It is an incredibly creative way to explain the various effects of aging that are not normally explained to a child. On each page, the granddaughter asks the grandmother if the angels have come and done something such as covered her ears, and then the grandmother explains yes and why to prepare her.

My favorite sentence: "Grandmother, Grandmother, have the angels come and painted your hair? Yes, my darling granddaughter. They have painted it white so I may become more like the clouds."
..."I will see you over valleys and deep inside your soul."

5/5 stars!

Editorial Reviews

From School Library Journal

Grade 1–2—A grandmother and her granddaughter share a dialogue about aging in which the woman answers the child's questions with reassurances about the physical changes that come with time. Kono's acrylic and pencil folk art evokes a rural Latin American setting and features monarch butterflies, smiling suns, and iconic swirling backgrounds. Vega's Hispanic characters are depicted in traditional dress and she manages to convey an acceptance of a stage in life that many Americans are loathe to embrace. The poetic give-and-take allows readers to think deeply about the topic. The granddaughter's query "have the angels come and darkened your eyes?" is answered with the graceful "Yes…. They have dimmed my vision so I may see more clearly." Vega belabors the point though. By the time grandmother's hair, ears, teeth, back, hands, legs, and feet have been addressed, readers will have aged too, and may miss the lovely last line. Lyrical and warm, this is an additional purchase for large multicultural and intergenerational collections.—Lisa Egly Lehmuller, St. Patrick's Catholic School, Charlotte, NC
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

From Booklist

“Grandmother, Grandmother have the angels come and painted your hair?” “Yes, my darling granddaughter. / They have painted it white / so I may become more like the clouds.” So begins this beautifully illustrated picture book about a loving family relationship. With each question a young girl asks, her grandmother answers, lyrically reframing signs of aging, such as dimming sight, hearing, and bent fingers. Vibrant folk-art illustrations fill the pages and portray the brown-skinned characters in embroidered clothing and lush natural settings. Set in both the day and night, the fanciful scenes play out against swirling backgrounds and from whimsical perspectives. The story is somewhat lengthy, and some imagery may be a bit esoteric for younger children (“taste the sweetness of your Spirit”). Still, the story respects a child’s curiosity and concerns, and recasts aging with positive and poetic imagery and reassurances of eternal love. Grades K-2. --Shelle Rosenfeld

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

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Becoming A Woman Of Excellence

Becoming A Woman Of Excellence

About The Book

Part One - The Goal

Excellence: A Goal Worth Pursuing
Excellence: God's Character
Excellence: Becoming Like Christ

Part Two - The Cost

Excellence: Rooted in Surrender
Excellence: Exemplified by Obedience

Part Three - The Prize

Excellence: Molded by Discipline
Excellence: Guarded by Discretion
Excellence: Made Precious by a Gentle and Quiet Spirit
Excellence: Perfected by Purity
Excellence: Proclaimed by Wisdom

Part Four - The Praise

Excellence: Portrayed in the Life of a Godly Woman (Proverbs 31)

Book Beginning

While reading through the Book of Ruth, I was struck with Boaz's praise of Ruth: "And now my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you whatever you ask, for all my people in the city know that you are a woman of excellence." (Ruth 3:11)

The Friday #56

"If only Eve had sought the counsel of God. If only I would take the time to ask God's thoughts concerning my decisions."

My Thoughts

This is a motivating Bible study to discover what you should be striving for as you look to God's excellence as a model. Cynthia Heald challenges women to become women of excellence, freedom, purpose, prayer, and grace through this book. If you're hungry for God's perspective on success in a society that bombards you with conflicting demands, feed on the truths of God's word that you'll discover here. You will not only learn to 'approve things that are excellent," but will experience the joy of becoming God's woman of excellence.

5/5 stars.

Becoming A Woman Of Excellence

Skywatch Friday

Gorgeous Pink Cloud: LadyD Books

Oh, my goodness... This is my view overlooking our quiet little town.  The majestic cloud at dusk just warms and comforts my heart... I'm at peace and all is well with my soul!

Happy Mother's Day to all the ladies everywhere!


“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
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LadyD Books