
The Unique Woman: Book Review

The Unique Woman by Edwin Louis Cole


In 1994 my female doctor at that time wanted to share this book with me. She already had a copy of her own, so we found ourselves reading it together. Her hopes were to encourage us on our quest to be Godly women instead of the American woman. I'm not sure what all that means. I can honestly say I'm a Christian (believer in Christ) and I'm Greek, born in the USA. I guess the book is an oldie and the cost of it is a pretty penny, The Unique Woman.

What The Book Is About

"Ours is a world of disposable diapers, disposable razors, and disposable women. Women are deserted and discarded every day. Convenience outweighs commitment."
"You have more than you think you have. You can do more than you think you can. You alone are responsible, to use the intelligence, talents, abilities, and gifts, God has given to you." 
"There is only one true standard, one great authority, one perfect justice, one source of power that is able to withstand and outlast the tests of time, pressures of society, ever-changing authorities, and fluctuations in the world. That authority and power are found in Jesus Christ - Savior of all, Lord of Life --- and in His eternal truth."
You can read more about the author, Edwin Louis Cole and discover more of his quotes here.

Author Edwin Louis Cole

Friday #56 

"It was tough. Love is tough. Speaking the truth in love heals, not wounds. Truth may be hard to swallow --- but then, most medicines are."

Book Review

I'm liking the book and its take on celebrating women's uniqueness. The author makes the point that men need to find a creative way to say "I love you" to their wives that will affirm them being special.
So many insights and truths here to build and strengthen your marriage. Valuable tips to cultivate a successful Christian walk with love, truthfulness, and Godliness. I recommend it for home and church library. 5/5 stars.

So, what are you reading this week?

Happy Reading!

 -- LadyD

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

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