
Unsolved Miracles: Book Review

Unsolved Mysteries: LadyD Books

About The Book

Nothing shows God's awesome love and power like a miracle. Unsolved Miracles are an extraordinary collection of uplifting stories that reveal God's wondrous and endearing love. Women and men of all ages will be inspired by tender answers to prayer and incredible events that can only be explained as miracles of God. The book features contributions from popular Christian authors such as Max Lucado, Billy Graham, James Dobson, David Jeremiah, Chuck Colson, Joni Eareckson Tada, and more. This paperback release of the popular original is likely to convince even the most hardened skeptic of the reality of miracles. For book purchase, Unsolved Mysteries.

Friday #56

"She wanted to get the name of the woman who had relieved her fear on the telephone. "I'd like to thank her," she explained to Collyn's teacher.

The teacher looked at Lynne in bewilderment. "But you couldn't have spoken with anyone," she said.

"Oh, but I did," Lynne assured her. "You can ask my older boys. I was frantic until this woman assured me that Collyn was fine."

"Mrs. Coates, that would have been impossible," the teacher insisted. "We put a sign on the door, locked the building, and moved the children before the tornado struck. There wasn't anyone here.

"And don't forget - our phone lines were destroyed. No call could have gotten through - or been answered."

Angels have been called our "companions in a storm." The Coates family knows, in a special way, what that lovely promise means.

Book Review

Truly a book that will lift your spirit! So many moving passages within the pages to refresh your thirsty soul. Recorded true stories shared by famous authors and pastors will encourage your faith. For sure, so many of us can testify to angels ministering to us in our time of need... Some visible and others not seen but behind the scenes. After reading numerous accounts of visiting angels affecting changed lives, the reader can decide if, in fact, the accounts shared here are believable or merely coincidental. Get the book. You will not be disappointed.

5/5 stars. Recommend.

About The Author

John Van Diest has been a book publisher for more than twenty-five years and has traveled the world as an advocate for Christian literature. He lives with his wife, Pat, in Oregon.

So, what are you reading this week?

 -- LadyD

 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

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