
52 Commands of Jesus for Children: Book Review

Susan Chamberlain Shipe: 52 Commands of Jesus for Children

Book Description

52 Commands of Jesus for Children is drawn from the red-letter words of the New Testament Gospels. The book is a 52-week devotion-journal for family devotions, children's small group, or a classroom environment. Each week teaches a command and a coinciding character quality with a coloring page. The scriptures and questions are to be used to probe the deeper things with the children, in the style and convictions of the facilitator. All scripture is taken from the New Living Translation.

52 Commands of Jesus for Children

Week 1: Repent / Humility
Week 2: Follow Me / Meekness
Week 3: Rejoice / Joyfulness
Week 4: Let Your Light Shine / Generosity
Week 5: Honor God's Law / Love
Week 6: Be Reconciled / Responsibility
Week 7: Do Not Commit Adultery / Self-Control
Week 8: Keep Your Word / Truthfulness
Week 9: Go The Second Mile / Deference
Week 10: Love Your Enemies / Creativity
Week 11: Be Perfect / Sincerity
Week 12:  Practice Secret Disciplines / Faith
Week 13: Lay Up Treasures / Thriftiness
Week 14: Seek God's Kingdom / Initiative
Week 15: Judge Not / Discernment
Week 16: Do Not Cast Pearls / Discretion
Week 17: Ask, Seek, Knock / Resourcefulness
Week 18: Do Unto Others / Sensitivity
Week 19: Choose The Narrow Way / Decisiveness
Week 20: Beware Of False Prophets / Alertness
Week 21: Pray For Laborers / Compassion
Week 22: Be Wise As Serpents / Wisdom
Week 23: Fear Not / Boldness
Week 24: Hear God's Voice / Attentiveness
Week 25: Take My Yoke / Obedience
Week 25: Honor Your Parents / Honor
Week 27: Beware Of Leaven / Virtue
Week 28: Deny Yourself / Determination
Week 29: Despise Not Little Ones / Tolerance
Week 30: Go To Offenders / Justice
Week 31: Beware Of Covetousness / Contentment
Week 32: Forgive Offenders / Forgiveness
Week 33: Honor Marriage / Loyalty
Week 34: Be A Servant / Availability
Week 35: Be A House Of Prayer / Persuasiveness
Week 36: Ask In Faith / Patience
Week 37: Bring In The Poor / Hospitality
Week 38: Render To Caesar / Gratefulness
Week 39: Love The Lord / Enthusiasm
Week 40: Love Your Neighbor / Gentleness
Week 41: Await My Return / Punctuality
Week 42: Take, Eat, And Drink / Thoroughness
Week 43: Born Again / Security
Week 44: Keep My Commandments / Diligence
Week 45: Watch And Pray / Endurance
Week 46: Feed My Sheep / Dependability
Week 47: Baptize My Disciples / Cautiousness
Week 48: Receive God's Power / Orderliness
Week 49: Make Disciples / Flexibilitygrandchildren
Week 51: Be A True Worshiper / Submission
Week 52: Bear Much Fruit / Surrender

illustration from Susan Chamberlain Shipe

My Thoughts

This is a 52-week devotional-journal for parents to use with their children. It is an awesome book full of relevant scriptures for today. I find it very engaging with my grandchildren ages 5-12. The author weaves great practical insights for children to grasp and apply right where they're at. Not only is Susan's word crafting great but I find the illustrations that one can print out and color of excellent quality. I especially love the graphic on dependability. This is a fun approach to training young minds to read the Bible more and more. I love this devotional and highly recommend for home and Sunday School library. Makes a great gift, too.

5/5 stars!

One Year Devotional with 52 Coloring Pages

About The Author

Susan Chamberlain Shipe, a writer since the age of eight when she and her neighborhood friend wrote, edited, published, and distributed The Manor News. Things have changed since publishing with the five and dime stamp lettering set! Today, Susan enjoys writing short devotions and short stories from her home in the Appalachian Mountain Range of the Blue Ridge Mountains in northwestern North Carolina, which she shares with her husband of thirty-plus years, Lowell, and their beloved dog, Sam.

Thank you, Susan ( for signing my copy of the book and special thanks to Kelly R. Barker ( for hosting the giveaway!

Be sure and get the book, 52 commands of Jesus for Children.


Lady D

 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

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