
Trade Your Cares for Calm: Max Lucado

Bool Review: Max Lucado l Trade your Cares for Calm

Book Description
Be Free from the Worries That Weigh You Down.
If you’re trembling on a tightrope of fear and worry, get ready for the best trade ever: your cares for God’s calm.
What if faith, not fear, could be your default reaction to circumstances? Imagine being able to walk away from worry, conquer the need to control, get rid of guilt, and end if-only thinking.
That’s God’s offer. He wants to exchange your burdens for an abundance of mercy, gratitude, and trust. To replace striving and stress with a faith-filled life in which you’ll see God’s goodness, feel calm in chaos, and find peace through prayer.
Bestselling author Max Lucado understands what it’s like to feel overwhelmed by anxiety. Through unforgettable stories and biblical wisdom, he offers powerful tools to help you manage your fears and worries.

Trade Your Cares For Calm: Max Lucado
Book Review

I'm so appreciative of receiving this timely book. I have found the scriptures within to be beneficial to one's peace of mind while journeying through life's ups and downs. The best solution for carrying any kind of tension that life throws at us is to discover His peace and calm from within. I haven't met anyone who escapes life's storms totally, so when the waves of stress, conflict, illness, and misfortune come our way, we can exchange our cares for His calm. This is one of the best books written by my favorite author. Practicing gratitude and getting rid of guilt are two special chapters that you will want to use the tools Max shares with us. The beautiful glossy photos of nature scenes reveal peace and comfort to us and excite a wonderment of what heaven will be like. The scriptures are so encouraging as we walk together with Him through many hard trials. He gives us the victory and Max show us what it looks like to manage our fears and worries. I love the book and use its references often with several ministries at our church. The passages are for everyone who wants to be free from the worries that weigh us down. A must read and a great gift for friends!

5/5 stars! Highly recommend!

Max Lucado: Trade Your Cares For Calm

Thank you BookLookBloggers for the book in exchange for my thoughts.

Lady D
 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

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