
Quote It Saturday: Lily Pad

Lily: LadyD Books

Lily Pad: LadyD Books

Three Lily Pads: LadyD Books

Two Lily Pads: LadyD Books

Lily Pad

A white lily pad floated
On the heart of a calm lake
Looking at her reflection
In a frog’s glass eye
-- Marlene Berdit

Baby Einstein: Who Lives in the Pond?: A Splash and Giggle Bath Book - Julie Aigner-Clark
In the Small, Small Pond - Denise Fleming
Peek at a Pond - Neecy Twinem
Pond: Board Book - Lizi Boyd
Down by the Pond - Margrit Cruikshank and Dave Saunders 

* Lily Pads
Cut out lily pad shapes from large white construction paper. Have the children paint them green, and after they dry write each child's name on them. Laminate them or cover with clear contact so you can use them for the activities below.
* Lily Pad Jump
Set out the lily pads on the floor. Have the children hop from one lily pad to another.

* Lily Pad Musical Chairs
Set out the lily pads on the floor in a circle. Have the children walk around the circle of lily pads. When the music stops have the children race to their favorite lily pad. Every child should have a lily pad to stand on.

* Lily Pad Circle Time
Set out the Lily Pads on the floor in a circle. Have each child sit on his/her own lily pad for circle time.

* Lily Pad Placemat
Make lily pads for placemats. Use instructions above.

- Submitted by Cheryl's Sweethearts ChildCare 

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

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  1. Lovely lily pads! I didn't post today due to my brother, but thank you for posting.

  2. Great photo's of the lily pads and thanks for the activity ideas :)


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