
Social Media Tips for Your Book Club

Just a short time ago, Emma Taylor contacted me with a great article I thought you might 
want to know about. Emma writes for

The published article is called 40 Fun Social Media Tips to Bring Your Book Club Into 2011

I'd like to share just a small portion of this great article with you and if you're interested
at all and wanting more information then read all 40 tips here

Reading is a solitary act, but the love of books is social…

After all, who hasn’t experienced a great book that made them want to rush out and share their love of the novel with others? It is from this love of books that book clubs were formed, with book club origins tracing back to the 1700s. The modern book club was popularized by Oprah Winfrey, and has grown to enjoy widespread use today. Online book clubs have even popped up, using social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter for virtual gatherings and book discussions in lieu of club meetings.
Social media isn’t just for book clubs that want to live online — it’s for clubs that meet in person, too. Using social media tools can bring your book club into the modern age, with collaboration, networking, author connections, and so much more. Read on to find out what social media can do to improve your book club."
  1. Find theme ideas: Check out blogs to find out what fun things other book clubs are doing.
  2. Network with new members: Use social media tools to find new members and grow your group.
  3. Connect with authors: Make author discussions a part of your book club with Facebook and Twitter.
  4. Stay in touch in between meetings: Interact with your friends from book club anytime on social media.
  5. Start a Twitter list: Easily stay up to date on what your book club is discussing by creating a Twitter list of all members.
  6. Start a hashtag: Bring the discussion to Twitter with a hashtag for your group and beyond.
  7. Connect with other book clubs: Grow your book club by talking to other book clubs on Twitter about your latest reads.
  8. Vote on book selections: Use Twitter or polling tools to help decide what your next book club selection will be.
  9. BookClubIt: Manage your book club online using BookClubIt, which allows you to invite friends, have discussions, and find similarly interested readers.
  10. Find books: Keep your ear to the ground for new books your club can read using Twitter.

     I wanted to ask... Are you on Twitter? (Well, who isn't?!) 
    Do you belong to a book club or writer's group? 
    If so, which ones?

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“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

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As always, so nice to hear from you!