
Heading Out

Here in these rural parts of SoCal, it's always exciting to see a winter storm heading out towards the mountains, displaying a beautiful cloud cover, moving rapidly for Arizona and other parts eastward. I love these huge white clouds with a touch of gray displaying a cold, winter's day. How is it where you are? Photo for Skywatch Friday.

Andi's Scary School Days

Book Description

In book four, Andi didn't think she was afraid of anything-until now. School means being away from the ranch, away from her family, and away from Taffy. And sitting next to a boy who throws things at her. Having to stand in the corner for something that wasn't even her fault is the last straw.

LadyD Books is participating in the following book meme. Hope you'll join us and discover what other book lovers are reading. I thought I'd read one more chapter book this week to share with you.

The Friday 56

"Then Andi looked at Pickles. "Poor lizard. You look squished. But if I let you go, a wagon or a horse might run over you... then you'd really be squished."
          -- Susan K. Marlow

Andi's Scary School Days (Circle C Beginnings No. 4)

roaming coyote

coyote on the ranch

After the rains, we usually see a fairly large coyote and sometimes its mate roaming around the ranch, especially looking for food in our fruit orchard or an occasional bunny. Do you have them in your parts of the country? They usually run away when they see us coming! I was inside the house when I spotted this one and took its picture through the window.

origami kittys

The grandchildren and I having been working on a kitty origami paper project this week. I have always been intrigued by this paper crafting. Are you into folding paper artwork? LadyD Books is linking up with Color Connection.

initiation a l'origami


“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
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  1. Lovely sky!!
    That 56 made me chuckle until I scrolled to the coyote. Those things are dangerous. We have them here and they stalk small dogs like my Ewok.

  2. So true, even scary to the little children as well.

  3. Looks like you can see to the East Coast from there. What a great view!

  4. Interesting to see the storm coming.
    No, i dont see coyotes here in my place.
    By the way, nice origami:)
    From skywaych friday. My entry is from:

    1. Thanks Joy. I guess it's too cold in Norway for them.

  5. Nice Skywatch Friday post. I really liked the origami work too. We do have coyotes in Illinois.
    JM Illinois

    1. Thank you. Yes, I would imagine you do have them in the rural suburbs of Illinois.

  6. Beautiful sky, and I love how the hills green up this time of year. Coyotes are a common site out in the desert where we go on weekends. Not many left here in Orange County, though.

    1. Thanks so much. Yep, desert dwellers and they sound scary at night, too!

  7. I love origami! Be careful with that wolf roaming around, LadyD!

  8. What a great sky shot - the scenery is lovely.

  9. Oh my gosh, I have never seen a coyote before, they look so fierce!

    Thank you for linking up to <a href=">Color Connection</a> last week. The linky is up now, come join us again.


As always, so nice to hear from you!